Post by ellanios82LILO seemed originally to be straight forward
"Yes, it used to be, but we changed all that."
The most significant change is that we are using larger disks so a lot
of how the original LILO specified how to peel off the second stage boot
no longer makes sense.
In fact the old cylinder - sector - head model got stretched out of all
recognition. If you address certain sectors then -- oops, that's a bad
patch on the disk and the disk electronics have a means of doing a
look-aside to another place on the disk. And guess where the code that
does all that lives? Right. And guess what happens if that gets
corrupted, as happened to me earlier this year...
And once you start dealing with SATA ...
And all of this part of the boot has nothing what so ever to do with
systemd. That happens after the first stage boot, and even after the
boot process has peeled off all the stuff surrounding grub (or grub2 or
lilo or whatever), and it takes grub (...) to bring in initrd, which
gets the kernel in place. Perhaps that's what you mean by "boot"?
Only after that all has happened do we get to systemd initializing user
side processes (that is, non kernel stuff).
So now we can segue from Voltaire to Carroll:
'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, 'it
means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less.'
'The question is,' said Alice, 'whether you can make words mean so many
different things.'
'The question is,' said Humpty Dumpty, 'which is to be master — that's
and then again
'If I'd meant that, I'd have said it,' said Humpty Dumpty.
And then there's matters like being able to boot alternative things
(which may not simply be operating systems, and which may not even be on
the same drive as the boot stuff you're talking about) and setting up
the console so you can see the menu, regardless of what the screen is,
and making sure you are using it at a suitable resolution.
If you can get LILO do do all this I'm delighted, but thank you I'll
continue to use grub2 and initrd to boot my system into a situation
where systemd can start initializing processes in the user space.
. . . As we, the leaders, deal with tomorrow, our task is not to try to
make perfect plans.
. . . Our task is to create organizations that are sufficiently flexible
and versatile that they can take our imperfect plans and make them work
in execution. That is the essential character of the learning organization.
- Gordon R. Sullivan & Michael V. Harper
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